Call for Annual General Meeting 2014
Lysaker, 22 April 2014
The shareholders in PCI Biotech Holding ASA are invited to attend the Annual
General Meeting 2014 to be held Tuesday 13 May 2014 at 10.00 am at Quality Hotel
Expo, Snarøyveien 20, 1360 Fornebu, Norway.
Please find attached (in Norwegian only) a Notice of Annual General Meeting, the
attendance form, proxy form, executive remuneration statement, the preliminary
recommendation from the Nomination Committee and The Annual Report.
The notice of the annual general meeting, attendance form and proxy form will be
sent by mail today to all shareholders with known address.
For further information, please contact:
Ronny Skuggedal, CFO
Office: +47 67 11 54 00
Mobile: +47 94 00 57 57
PCI Biotech Innkalling generalforsamling 2014_0
PCI Biotech Holding ASA Aarsrapport 2013_1
20140505 Endelig innstilling fra Valgkomiteen i PCI Biotech Holding ASA
PCI Biotech Lederlonnserklaering 2014_0
Innkalling GF – mai 2014 Oppdatert Fullmaktskjema
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